-/- (+) Unicorn

-/- ☆ Unicorn

I was born a unicorn
I missed the ark but I could’ve sworn you’d wait for me

I was born a unicorn
I could of sworn you believed in me.
Then how come all the other Unicorns are dead?

Put your crystal’s under my pillow
Send your epistle to my bedfellows

If I stop believing in you
If you stop believing in me
If I stop believing in you
If you stop believing in me

We’re the Unicorns,
We’re more than horses,
We’re the unicorns,
And we’re people too!

5 Unicorns Caught on Camera & Spotted In Real Life!
WINGED WIZARD UNICORN! | Roblox Fashion Frenzy w/ MicroGuardian!
Confirmed Unicorn Chomper Deadline!
DER VERRÜCKTESTE EMOJI DER WELT | Einhorn Emoji im Regenbogen Unicorn LOOK