세븐 (+) 039 세븐(SE7EN) - 내가 노래를 못해도

세븐 ☆ 039 세븐(SE7EN) – 내가 노래를 못해도

(I say) want here is SEVEN turn it up
good your no than baby you can warm it up
come on everybody turn it up in get down

yo, yo, yo, yo, is it world it that like me world git
난 MR. G.D야 여긴 classic
(no no) hey hey 당신맘대로 make it
that’s nice SEVEN따라 everybody shake it
Rips anything flips with adrenaline
Ouit all your pedding if You a’ak happening
S.E.V.E.N. got you trembling like
Diggy Dang A Dang A Dang dang dang dang
(I say) want here is SEVEN turn it up


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