(+) Blessing+_+A+Gift+for+You

☆ Blessing+_+A+Gift+for+You

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I remember my first glimpse of her face.
I saw you smile, then I smiled,
I was straight blown away.
Mesmerized by your beauty
from your feet to your hands.
How can one be so beautiful?
I don’t understand. Heaven-sent,
God’s gift without a doubt in my mind.
Sometimes I wonder why
our paths decided to colide.
We started off as perfect strangers.
Boy meets girl Infatuation to love.
Now you’re my whole entire world.
Destiny taps me on the back saying. “Hello.”
But really it was your touch,
knowing I’ never let you go.
Then you spoke,
I never heard a voice so sweet.
Heavenly, and from her words
I knew this girl was deep. Just lke me.
With times to worry and times to play,
we’ll sit and stress over
life or just burn the day away.
I know for sure in our past
lives we had to be friends.
Living and dying together
knowing that we would meet again.
It’s just a blessing to have you in my life.
I wast destined to be with you.
I’m privileged, so amazing, no question.
And I’m knowing,
soon enough we’ll get where we’re going.
Just thinking about it, I can feel my heart growing.
Am I trippin’? Or is it that I finally see?
I don’t know but my heart is
saying you’re the one for me.
Please believe me. I’m exactly where I want to be.
This rhymes is written
from my heart to you, sincerely.

No reason to live without you.
No reason to live without you.
No reason to live without you.
No reason to live without you.

You turn a cocooned soul into a
butterfly and I lose control.
Can never turn aside.
You shine like summer skies.
Like when a lover lies next to me and says to me,
“You make me wonder why.”
You are a beautiful mystery.
Every note carved into musical history.
A simile, metaphor.
words not enough to entrust to you.
Trust that It’s true.
We must have a clue but we ask for evidence.
Dwell in passing semtiments though we bask in
eminence every moment, every day.
Busy getting paid away.
The soul fades away
into a grainy shade of gray.
I pray that you listen to what I say
’cause I fell like a missing shoe.
This is to everything that you are.
The wild earth, a child’s birth sun,
moon and the stars.

No reason to live without you.
No reason to live without you.
No reason to live without you.
No reason to live without you.

So I ask, what would I be without you?
Like Stevie without Wonder, hunger without food.
A sheep without a shepherd,
asleep without your message.
Despite the skeptics, in the end you were true.
And I knew there was more to life.
And I grew, living for the light.
I took my answers, combined them with yours.
It made life exciting but it closed some doors.
Word to Christ. My life accelerated then deflated.
Sunk to bottom, then elevated until I made it.
But you always had my back though.
When kids threw rocks at me or on stage rappin’.
Still, I see kids without love.
It brings tears to my soul,
but why they always drop up?
The world’s gone bonkers.
You’ve conquered fear.
And as loang as I believe.
You’re the reason I’m here.

No reason to live without you.
No reason to live without you.
No reason to live without you.
No reason to live without you.

L O V E you. I was made to be with you.
made to be with you. made to be with you.

L O V E you. I was made to be with you.
made to be with you. made to be with you.

L O V E you. I was made to be with you.
made to be with you. made to be with you.

L O V E you. I was made to be with you.
made to be with you. made to be with you.

L O V E you. I was made to be with you.
made to be with you. made to be with you.

[ Touken Ranbu ] Blessing A gift for you ( Vietsub )
【Collaboration】 Blessing 【World Edition】
[괴도 조커](Kaitou Joker)Blessing a gift for you
【MAD】 Blessing ✽ A Gift for You × 艦これ