아스트로 (+)

아스트로 ☆

Astro Bits, Astro Bits
We are the bits of universe
We are the bits of cosmos
We are the bits of music
We are the bits of rhythm

Astro Bits, Astro Bits
Beat goes on and on
Life goes on and on
Love goes on and on

Astro Bits, Astro Bits
We are the bits of universe
We are the bits of cosmos
We are the bits of music
We are the bits of rhythm

Astro Bits, Astro Bits

ASTRO 아스트로
ASTRO 아스트로 - 고백(Confession) M/V
170306 아!님들(NIMDLE) 님들의 초성게임 아스트로 3편
[아스트로/진진, 차은우, 문빈, 윤산하] 은우랑 빈이는 오늘도 투닥투닥