Maybe you died ’cause
everybody ask me where you at
I try to channel you in hopes
that I could steer you back
But it’s like every intersection
we just missed each other
You got your fans waiting tell me
you ain’t 6 feet under
And tell me that you’re coming back
and you just took a break
Maybe I blamed you for everything
that was my mistake
In hindsight I loved your rawness
and I loved your edge
‘Cause it was you
who talked me down from
jumping off the ledge
Your earrings bamboo
your long nails too
Your BMW every time
you came through
You was the brave heart
You stole Wayne heart
You never switched it up
You played the same part
But I needed to grow
And I needed to know
Were there some things inside of me
that I needed to show
So I just deaded you
Left you in all black
But dear old Nicki
Please call back
You told me you’d come
when I needed you
And you said it so sweetly
I believed you
But I’m standing here calling
I can’t see you
But I am holding you
holding you
holding you to that
Yo did I chase the glitz and glamour
Money fame and power
‘Cause if so that will forever
go down my lamest hour
I should’ve kept you with me getting
at them nameless cowards
There was no match for you
couldn’t defeat your powers
I had to make them changes
I hope you understood
You see for every bad
I did a ton of good
But you was underground
and I was mainstream
I live the life now
that we would daydream
My only wish is you come
enjoy it with me
Get on them conference calls
go meet the lawyers with me
The money came
tripled and quadrupled it
But I still miss us
when we was just on some stupid shit
And it’s still fuck the media
They ridiculed you
never believed in you
They just deaded you
Left you in all black
But dear old Nicki
Please call back
You told me you’d come
when I needed you
And you said it so sweetly
I believed you
But I’m standing here calling
I can’t see you
But I am holding you
holding you
holding you to that
And yes I’m holding you
holding you
holding you
And yes I’m holding you
holding you
holding you
And yes I’m holding you
holding you
holding you
To that
And yes I’m holding you
holding you
holding you
And yes I’m holding you
holding you
holding you
And yes I’m holding you
holding you
holding you
To that

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