Donald Lawrence and the Tri-ci (+) Bless Me (prayer Of Jabez)

Donald Lawrence and the Tri-ci ☆ Bless Me (prayer Of Jabez)

Lord I try
To do my best
But the road seems so hard
To climb

Lord I try
But I don’t succeed
Blood, sweat, and tears
And fears

Is there any way
I can make it by myself
I’ve searched and found,
No one else
I need your help

I won’t try by myslef
For I know, that help is mine
If I want it

And my help lies in God
And my help lies in God
And my help lies in

Lord I Try
Donald Lawrence

Bless Me (Prayer Of Jabez) - Donald Lawrence & The Tri-City Singers
Prayer of Jabez(Bless Me) by Donald Lawrence Instrumental/Multitrack Stems
Bless me by donald lawrence
Donald Lawrence - Bless Me [Prayer of Jabez] [Pastor Andrae Crouch Homegoing] @DonaldLawrence