Mr. Hudson & the Library (+) Everything Happens to Me

Mr. Hudson & the Library ☆ Everything Happens to Me

I make a date for golf

and you can bet your life it rains

my flat warming got started

but the btch next door complained

it seems ill spend my whole life

catching colds and missing trains

i waited in the rain

for a blind date who never showed

then a 4×4 drenched my jeans as i tried to cross the road

got back to the car in time to watch it being towed

everything haoppens to me

at first i thought you might break this jinx for me

youi love would bring an end to my despair

that would have been so cool

not how its meant to be

instead you vanished into thin air

ive emailed and ive phoned

sent a text meassge or two

you told me to piss off and for that respect is due

i fell in love just once

did it have to be with you?

Everything Happens To Me
Mr. Hudson

everything happens to me
Mr Hudson The Library Everything Happens To Me
Everything Happens To Me