(+) closing credits

☆ closing credits

God bless everybody

Make this possible

Pick up my family, the boys been here

And that’s not only blood relative

Pick up Jess, pick up Yegga

Called em in, got me through this

Pick up Double Edge, pick up Badbonez

Pick up Joker Starr, pick up Apollo

Pick up Gymo

Making this

And the sound happen as you may see it, hear it

Pick up Butcher, pick up Noos

Little Alfie, pick up the smurf

Pick up Mr. Fin, you got some work to do fam

Pick up the sword arms

Flying on, you got with this heavy ih

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Kubo end credits song
End credits ; Beauty and the Beast (english)
"Rain Man" Closing Credits clip (featuring artistically brilliant photographs).m4v