Girls girls girls girls
Girls All night long
Eyes looking at me even hotter
Breath of beach is gappeuge
I do not anymore
Follow me and
My rhythm, you have to commit to
Tonight, you Drop
Iteobwa all
Cleared in time for beoryeobwa
Girls girls girls girls
Girls All night long
Would you like to play characters with LEX
Do not say anything.
No one (NO NO NO)
Do not ask why.
(Do not ask why).
Even gone farewell
(I forgotten).
Inside my head
Remember shaking
The men do not need
(Me outta my way.)
Yibam the women’s party
(Do not together).
Girls girls girls girls
Girls All night long
I do not anymore
Follow me and
My rhythm, you have to commit to
Tonight, you Drop
Iteobwa all
Cleared in time for beoryeobwa
Look Look Look
There are men
Would you excuse me,
Yibam the girl’s party.
Slack will enjoy
Yihanjan in goblet
In addition to my music
Fulfill yibam two morning
I’m gonna take all you want.
Come brighter white
(Tomorrow chatahdeun)
Would that little window to shut
Behind my back.
I’m with gyeoteman
(The night left.)
Drunk party till morning.
(Body wave)
Girls girls girls girls
Girls All night long
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