(+) 표리일체(풀버전)

☆ 표리일체(풀버전)

[출처] 지음아이 http://www.jieumai.com/

Word up! I’m gonna rock you!

大至急 make a big groove 即 bring it back, bring it back あの激アツ real moovement

다이시큐- make a big groove 소쿠 bring it back, bring it back 아노게키아츠 real moovement

어서어서 make a big groove 속 bring it back, bring it back 그기세가뜨거워 real moovement

球體にまで膨れ上がる my 影の集合體に it is quick 對應 (that’s right!)

큐-타이니마데후쿠라레아가루 my 카게노슈고-타이니 it is quick 타이오- (that’s right!)

구체로까지부풀어오르는 my 그림자의집합체에 it is quick 대응 (that’s right)

表裏一體あらゆる物事の陽の vibes うまく生かし效かすスパイス

효-리잇타이아라유루모노고토노요-노 vibes 우마쿠이카시키카스스파이스

표리일체여러세상사의양의 vibes 제대로살려효과가있는스파이스

それでこそ成り立つイカス my style (yeah!)

소레데코소나리타츠이카스 my style (yeah!)

그래서야말로완성되는멋진 my style (yeah!)

親密が better 一見違う次元に見える life style もこれも同等表裏一體

신미츠가 better 잇켄치가우지겐니미에루 life style 모코레모도-토-효-리잇타이

친밀이 better 일견이다른차원에보이는 life style 도이곳도동등표리일체

±0… you know? ここに刻む pass word「EDGE」

±0… you know? 코코니키자무 pass word「EDGE」

±0… you know? 이곳에새기는 pass word「EDGE」

これが分岐点 my word gage gets 無限

코레가분기텐 my word gage gets 무겐

이것이분기점 my word gage gets 무한

胸に秘める原点の target 未だ變わらず

무네니히메루겐텐노 target 이마다카와라즈

가슴에숨기는원점의 target 아직도변함없이

現時点でさえ尙も I’m fightin’ to tha world

겐지텐데사에나오모 I’m fightin’ to tha world

현시점에서조차더욱더 I’m fightin’ to tha world

Yes! 研ぎ澄ますイヤになる程タフな刃を…

Yes! 토기스마스이야니나루호도타후나야이바오…

Yes! 날카롭게갈아싫어질정도로거센칼날을

Now I kill laughing at my world…

これで決まり B R O·what?

코레데키마리 B R O·what?

이것으로결정 B R O·what?

しゃかりきな奴蔓延って around tha world

샤카리키나야츠하비콧테 around tha world

기를쓰고있는녀석이가득해 around tha world

「Power display」…oh what a 糞 boredom

「Power display」…oh what a 쿠소 boredom

「Power display」…oh what a 젠장 boredom

樣樣な trap and trick 對する my life

사마자마나 trap and trick 타이스루 my life

각양각색의 trap and trick 대하는 my life

Step end jab end hook straight! You knock down!

Get down motha fucka! It’s final count down

You give up early あっという間に

You give up early 앗토이우마니

You give up early 눈깜짝할새에

Oh shit! Dead men tell no tales

Full spec 滿たす who is イカス story teller?!

Full spec 미타스 who is 이카스 story teller?!

Full spec 채우는 who is 멋진 story teller?!

Come on follows! Hey そこの stranger

Come on follows! Hey 소코노 stranger

Come on follows! Hey 거기 stranger

さっきから I told ya 望者陰者 survivor!

삿키카라 I told ya 세이쟈인샤 survivor!

조금전부터 I told ya 망자음자 survivor!

Become stronger like a 古の fighter!

Become stronger like a 이니시에노 fighter!

Become stronger like a 옛 fighter!

I’ll be a fuckin’ sniper! Shooter is from fire!!!

(헌터x헌터 리메ED) 유즈-표리일체