Bastade misterios
Olvidatu temor
Yanadie va a da?arte
Llegu?para cuidarte
Dejaque te libre
Tullanto has de calmar
Yoestoy aqu? contigo
Te gu?oy te cuido
Say you love me every waking moment
Turn my head with talk of summertime
Say you need me with you now and always
Promise me that all you say is true
That’s all I ask of you
Quieroser tu luz
Aqu? yaest?s a salvo
Sinmiedo y a mi cuidado
All I want is freedom
A world with no more night
And you always beside me
To hold me and to hide me
Pues dique quieres compartir tu vida
D?jameborrar tu soledad
¡Que mequieres, que me necesitas!
Dondevayas siempre ir? yo
S?loeso pido yo
Say you’ll share with me one love one lifetime
Say the word and I will follow you
Share each day with me each night each morning
Say you love me
You know I do
Love me that’s all I ask of you
Anywhere you go let me go too
Love me that’s all I ask of you
[가사출처] 일 디보 코리안 디바스
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