Lord You are song of my heart
You are the reason
for my happiness
I praise You
with all my heart
Lord You are Hope of my soul
My rescuer and my protector
I trust You with all my heart
With joy I will give You
Every moment of
my day and night
With you I will follow
Every step by your words
Lord You have my life
in Your hand
You knew me
from the beginning
You are all
I want and all I need
Lord use my life
for Your glory
And make it complete in You
You are all
I want and all I need
I worship You
Lord You are song of my heart
You are the reason
for my happiness
I praise You with all my heart
Lord You are song of my soul
My rescuer and my protector
I trust You with all my heart
With joy I will give You
Every moment of
my day and night
With you I will follow
Every step by your words
Lord You have my life
in Your hand
You knew me
from the beginning
You are all
I want and all I need
Lord use my life
for Your glory
And make it complete in You
You are all
I want and all I need
I worship You
With joy I will give You
Every moment of
my day and night
With you I will follow
Every step by your words
With joy I will give You
Every moment of
my day and night
With you I will follow
Every step by your words
Lord You have my life
in Your hand
You knew me
from the beginning
You are all I want
and all I need
Lord use my life
for Your glory
And make it complete in You
You are all I want
and all I need
Lord You have my life
in Your hand
You knew me
from the beginning
You are all I want and all I need
Lord use my life
for Your glory
And make it complete in You
You are all I want
and all I need
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