Hess Is More (+) Sexy music - Yes... Boss!

Hess Is More ☆ Sexy music – Yes… Boss!

(D. Wall/G. Johnson)

Somebody, somebody
Somebody deliver me

My head is all in a quandary, baby
Because you happen to say
That you’re undecided, baby
You got to wait on Judgement Day

Somebody, somebody
Somebody deliver me

Somebody’s done all my laundry, baby
Who would that happen to be?
I don’t know why you do it, baby
Yesterday, you didn’t want me

Somebody, somebody
Somebody deliver me

You got me waiting
To open awhile
You’re hesitating
Why drag it out?
Why don’t you go on

Here we go…

I’ll get over
Why don’t ya come on over?
I’ll be waiting
Come on over

Deliver Me
Big Sugar

Hess Is More - Yes Boss
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