m-flo (+) gET oN (Feat. Crystal Kay)

m-flo ☆ gET oN (Feat. Crystal Kay)

お嬢さん said 「YOU ラップがお上手ね」
오죠-상 said 「YOU 랏푸가오죠-즈네」


마지데쵸-샤쿠네츠, 타노노츠이즈이유루상카쿠베츠

毎回 FIRE マイク持たせたら火事です
마이카이 FIRE 마이크모타세타라카지데스

順当な愛のランキング 有望なそうDNA
쥰토-나아이노랑킹구 유-보-나소-NA

Life is survival race 紀元前 to 今もそう
Life is survival race 키겐젠 to 이마모소-

端正な Lookin でも軽快愉快なレスポンス
탄세-나 Lookin 데모케-카이유카이나레스폰스

それだけじゃ駄目 No No No No
소레다케쟈다메 No No No No

You know? Brand new feel Only one your feel

新しい時代を行く Strong
아타라시이토키오유쿠 Strong

タフなヒーロー We want We need lead
타후나히-로- We want We need lead

ボーダレスが進む世界の The key person Strong
보-다레스가스스무세카이노 The key person Strong

We get it on high, We make it clap 新世界到来 Dance
We get it on high, We make it clap 신세카이토-라이 Dance

DJ playも Digi Style Can you follow? Dance in 未来系
DJ play모 Digi Style Can you follow? Dance in 미라이케-

1,2,1,2,1,2 Be Strong

Hey スペル is B, C, V 触れるなら Be Strong
Hey 스페루 is B, C, V 후레루나라 Be Strong

1,2,1,2,1,2 Be Strong

It’s brand new eye I go on a click!

覚悟してなきゃ痛い目見てから I don’t knowは通じない
카쿠고시테나캬 이타이메미테카라 I don’t know와츠-지나이

Just like a Jet Coaster 引き込まれて
Just like a Jet Coaster 히키코마레테

この Soundに Wait a minute, No No
코노 Sound니 Wait a minute, No No

You know? Brand new fit Only special dream

What’s feel you feel become Sheのreality
What’s feel you feel become She노reality

Any 膨大な情報のBrain 飲み込まれない強さここにある Strong
Any 보-다이나죠-호-노Brain 노미코마레나이츠요사코코니아루 Strong

We get it on high, We make it clap 新世界 Pump it up!
We get it on high, We make it clap 신세카이 Pump it up!

Listen, Youのfavorite Sound
Listen, You노favorite Sound

Can you follow? Dancing in your Best

1,2,1,2,1,2 Be Strong

Hey スペル is B, C, V 選ぶなら Be Strong
Hey 스페루 is B, C, V 에라부나라 Be Strong

1,2,1,2,1,2 Be Strong

1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2 Be Strong

Everytime I look into your eyes I see the future

チョーシリアス サウンドがミニマルになれば必然ディスタンス縮まる
쵸-시리아스 사운도가미니마루니나레바히츠젠디스탄스치지마루

LIGHTS OUT! 나니카하지마루


이츠노마니휘지카루, 논・리리카루, 코토바와이라나이


TIME OUT! チョー絵になる
TIME OUT! 쵸-에니나루

カッチョよすぎてゴメン、You’re ウェルカム
캇쵸요스기테고멘、You’re 웨루카무

YUP! IT’S… オレの出る幕
YUP! IT’S… 오레노데루마쿠


いつも WILD!!! いつも“WOW!!!”
이츠모 WILD!!! 이츠모“WOW!!!”

足元 L.V. スティーブン SPROUSE
아시모토 L.V. 스티-븐 SPROUSE


ソファーに飛び乗り UP & DOWN
소화-니토비노리 UP & DOWN


I love you I want you It’s Borderless

Music is playin’ in the air, Like that

How your feeling baby? Shall we dance?

そこにある Sound is good Yes, It sounds real good
소코니아루 Sound is good Yes, It sounds real good

We get it on high, We make it clap 新世界到来 Dance
We get it on high, We make it clap 신세카이토-라이 Dance

DJ playも Digi Style Can you follow? Dance in 未来系
DJ play모 Digi Style Can you follow? Dance in 미라이케-

1,2,1,2,1,2 Be Strong

Hey スペル is B, C, V 触れるなら Be Strong
Hey 스페루 is B, C, V 후레루나라 Be Strong

We get it on high, We make it clap 新世界 Pump it up!
We get it on high, We make it clap 신세카이 Pump it up!

Listen, Youのfavorite Sound
Listen, You노favorite Sound
Listen, You의 favorite Sound

Can you follow? Dancing in your Best

1,2,1,2,1,2 Be Strong

Hey スペル is B, C, V 選ぶなら Be Strong
Hey 스페루 is B, C, V 에라부나라 Be Strong

1,2,1,2,1,2 Be Strong

m-flo loves Crystal Kay / REEEWIND!
BoA - UNIVERSE feat.Crystal Kay & VERBAL(m-flo) - LIVE [HD]
m-flo loves Crystal Kay / Love Don't Cry
Crystal kay Feat M-flo _ I like it (Live10th anniversary ck concert)