출처 :
A’alnadda, ilnadda, ilnadda.
(O’ Nadda, Nadda, Nadda.)
Wilward imfattah a’a khadda.
(Where roses are blooming on her cheek.)
Win ma i’atyouni yaaki ya ijbaal ila’ali la-hidda.
(And if they refuse to give you to me, I will tear down the high mountains.)
A’alnadda, ilnadda, ilnadda.
(O’ Nadda, Nadda, Nadda.)
Wilward imfattah a’a khadda.
((Where roses are blooming on her cheek.)
Win ma i’atyouni yaaki ya ijbaal ila’ali la-hidda.
(And if they refuse to give you to me, I will tear down the high mountains.)
Naddah kaanait haddi ila’ain
(Nadda was by the water spring.)
wi isaalt-ha hal ghaybaih waiyn.
(And I asked her why she was not around.)
Naddah kaanait haddi ila’ain
(Nadda was by the water spring.)
wi isaalt-ha hal ghaybaih waiyn.
(And I asked her why she was not around.)
Bassitni ibhak ila’aynain
(She looked at me with those eyes.)
Iw badda tihki iw ma badda.
(And she wanted to talk to me and she did not want to.)
A’alnadda, ilnadda, ilnadda.
(O’ Nadda, Nadda, Nadda.)
Wilward imfattah a’a khadda.
(Where roses are blooming on her cheek.)
Win ma i’atyouni yaaki ya ijbaal ila’ali la-hidda.
(And if they refuse to give you to me, I will tear down the high mountains.)
Nadda nizlait a’al bistaan
(Nadda went down to the garden.)
Iw laaaha iw zahhar nisaan.
(And she was met and April appeared.)
Nadda nizlait a’al bistaan
(Nadda went down to the garden.)
Iw laaaha iw zahhar nisaan.
(And she was met and April appeared.)
A’am dhall imlabbak sahraan
(And I always keep troubled and awake.)
Ya injoom illaylaih iba’id-ha.
(O’ night stars take her away.)
A’alnadda, ilnadda, ilnadda.
(O’ Nadda, Nadda, Nadda.)
Wilward imfattah a’a khadda.
(Where roses are blooming on her cheek.)
Win ma i’atyouni yaaki ya ijbaal ila’ali la-hidda.
(And if they refuse to give you to me, I will tear down the high mountains.)
Imbaraih bilhilwaih itlaa-ate
(Yesterday with the sweet one I met.)
Hayk iw midri shoo hassaiyt.
(This way and I do not know what I felt.)
Imbaraih bilhilwaih itlaa-ate
(Yesterday with the sweet one I met.)
Hayk iw midri shoo hassaiyt.
(This way and I do not know what I felt.)
Iw limin a’azmitni a’al bait
(And when she invited me to her house)
Ma a’aad aalbi yithadda.
(I can not calm my heart.)
A’alnadda, ilnadda, ilnadda.
(O’ Nadda, Nadda, Nadda.)
Wilward imfattah a’a khadda.
(Where roses are blooming on her cheek.)
Win ma i’atyouni yaaki ya ijbaal ila’ali la-hidda.
(And if they refuse to give you to me, I will tear down the high mountains.)
Ya karm illi kont tayeb iw haaliii
(O’ grapevine that were excellent and sweet.)
Ayaam ilhawa ilhilwaih Wa haaliiiiiiiy. (The days of sweet passion and myself.)
Tara mean yir-aaaf Ib halak iw haali. (Wondering who take care of you and me.)
Iw nirjaa’ mitil ma kinna sawaah.
(And return back to the way we were together, ha.)
Ya wail waili, ya wail waili,
(Woe unto me, woe unto me,)
Ya wail waili, ya waili, ya waili,
(Woe unto me, O’ my distress, O’ my distress.)
Yay, yay, yah haaaay
(Yay, Yay, Yah Haaaay.)
Ya tayr illi bitsalitni.
(O’ bird that you guide me.)
Baa’mail bilshams imshaweer.
(I make picnics with the sun.)
Ya tayr illi bitsalitni.
(O’ bird that you guide me.)
Baa’mail bilshams imshaweer.
(I make picnics with the sun.)
Sallimli a’alhilwaih ikteer
(Say sincere hello to the sweet.)
In kannak maraiaa min hadda.
(If you were walking close to her.)
A’alnadda, ilnadda, ilnadda.
(O’ Nadda, Nadda, Nadda.)
Wilward imfattah a’a khadda.
(Where roses are blooming on her cheek.)
Win ma i’atyouni yaaki ya ijbaal ila’ali la-hidda.
(And if they refuse to give you to me, I will tear down the high mountains.)
Ya ijbaal ila’ali la-hidda.
(I will tear down the high mountains.)
Ya ijbaal ila’ali la-hidda.
(I will tear down the high mountains.)
Ya ijbaal ila’ali la-hidda.
(I will tear down the high mountains.)
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