Song by
Dr.Dre & Eminem
Ya’ll know me
still the same ol’ G
But I been low key
Hated on by
most these nig_gas
Wit no cheese
no deals and no G’s
no wheels and no keys
No boats
no snow_mo_biles
and no ski’s
Mad at me cause
I can final_ly afford to
pro_vide my fa_mi_ly
wit gro_ce_ries
Got a crib wit a stu_di_o
and it’s all
full of tracks
To add to the wall
full of pla_ques
Han_gin up in the of_fice
in back of my house
like tro_phies
But ya’ll think
I’m gon_na
let my dough freeze
Ho Please
You bet_ter bow down
on both knees
Who you think taught
you to smoke trees
Who you think brought
you the o’ G’s
Ea_zy E’s Ice Cube’s
and D._O._C’s
and Snoop D O
double G’s
And a group that said
mu_tha_fuck the po_lice
Gave you a tape
full of dope beats
The bomb weed stroll
through in you hood
And when your al_bum
sales wasn’t do_in
too good
Who’s the doc that
he told you to go see
Ya’ll bet_ter
lis_ten up close_ly
All you nig_gas that
said that I turned pop
Or the Firm flop
ya’ll are the rea_son
Dre ain’t been get_ting
no sleep
So fuck ya’ll
all of ya’ll
If ya’ll don’t like me
blow me
Ya’ll are gon_na keep
fuck_in a_round wit me
And turn me back
to the old me
Nowa_days eve_ry_bo_dy
wan_na talk
like they got
some_thing to say
But no_thin comes out
when they move
they lips
Just a bun_cha gib_be_rish
And mu_tha_fuc_kas act
like they
fo_rgot a_bout Dre
Nowa_days eve_ry_bo_dy
wan_na talk
like they got
some_thing to say
But no_thin comes out
when they move
they lips
Just a bun_cha gib_be_rish
And mu_tha_fuc_kas act
like they
fo_rgot a_bout Dre
So what do you say
to some_bo_dy you hate
Or a_ny_bo_dy try_na
bring trou_ble your way
Wan_na re_solve things
in a bloo_dier way
Just stu_dy
your tape of N_W_A
One day I was walk_in by
Wit a walk_men on
When I caught a guy
gi_vin me an awk_ward eye
And stran_gled him off
in the par_kin lot
wit his Karl Ka_ni
I don’t give a fuck
if it’s dark or not
I’m harder than me
try_na park a Dodge
But I’m drunk as fuck
Right next to a
hu_mun_gous truck
in a two car ga_ra_ge
Hop_pin out wit
two bro_ken legs
try_na walk it off
Fuck you too bitch
call the cops
I’m_a kill you and them
loud ass mu_tha_fuc_kin
bar_kin dogs
And when the cops
came through
Me and Dre stood next
to a burnt down house
Wit a can full of gas
and a hand full
of mat_ches
And still one found out
From here on out
it’s the Chro_nic 2
Star_tin to_day
and to_mor_rows the new
And I’m still
lo_co and nuts
To choke you to death
wit a Charle_ston chew
Slim sha_dy hot_ter then
a set of twin ba_bies
In a Mer_ce_des Benz
wit the win_dows up
And the temp goes up
to the mid 80’s
Call_in men la_dies
Sorry Doc
but I been cra_zy
There is no way
that you can save me
It’s ok go
with him Hai_ley
Nowa_days eve_ry_bo_dy
wan_na talk
like they got
some_thing to say
But no_thin comes out
when they move
they lips
Just a bun_cha gib_be_rish
And mu_tha_fuc_kas act
like they
fo_rgot a_bout Dre
Nowa_days eve_ry_bo_dy
wan_na talk
like they got
some_thing to say
But no_thin comes out
when they move
they lips
Just a bun_cha gib_be_rish
And mu_tha_fuc_kas act
like they
fo_rgot a_bout Dre
If it was up to me
You mu_tha_fuc_kas would
stop com_in up to me
Wit your hands out
look_in up to me
Like you want
some_thin free
When my last c_d was out
you wasn’t bum_pin me
But now that I got
this lit_tle com_pa_ny
Eve_ry_bo_dy wan_na
come to me
like it was
some di_sease
But you won’t
get a crumb from me
Cause I’m from
the streets of
I told em all
All them
lit_tle gang_stas
Who you think
helped mold ’em all
Now you
wan_na run around
and talk about guns
Like I ain’t got none
What you think
I sold ’em all
Cause I stay well off
Now all I get is
hate mail all day say_in
Dre fell off
What cause I been
in the lab wit a
pen and a pad
Try_na get this damn
label off
I ain’t ha_vin that
This is the
mil_le_ni_um of Af_ter_math
It ain’t gon_na be
no_thin af_ter that
So give me
one more pla_ti_num
plaque and fuck rap
You can have it back
So where’s all the
mad rap_pers at
It’s like a jun_gle
in this ha_bi_tat
But all you sa_vage cats
Knew that I was
strap_ped wit gats
When you were cud_dled
wit cab_bage patch
Nowa_days eve_ry_bo_dy
wan_na talk
like they got
some_thing to say
But no_thin comes out
when they move
they lips
Just a bun_cha gib_be_rish
And mu_tha_fuc_kas act
like they
fo_rgot a_bout Dre
Nowa_days eve_ry_bo_dy
wan_na talk
like they got
some_thing to say
But no_thin comes out
when they move
they lips
Just a bun_cha gib_be_rish
And mu_tha_fuc_kas act
like they
fo_rgot a_bout Dre
Nowa_days eve_ry_bo_dy
wan_na talk
like they got
some_thing to say
But no_thin comes out
when they move
they lips
Just a bun_cha gib_be_rish
And mu_tha_fuc_kas act
like they
fo_rgot a_bout Dre@
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