(+) 왕좌의게임

☆ 왕좌의게임

One night I hold on
Youuuu youuuu
In coat of gold or coat of red
A lion still has claws
And mine are along and sharp my Lord
As long and sharp as yours

And so he spoke and he spoke
That lord of Castamere
And now the rains weep over his hall
with no one there to hear
Yes, now the rains weep over his hall
And not a soul to hear

[한글자막] 왕좌의 게임 배우들 재밌는 인터뷰, 일상/ [Kor sub] Game of Thrones funny moments
[한글자막] 왕좌의 게임 배우들 재밌는 인터뷰, 일상2/ [Kor sub] Game of Thrones funny moments2
[한글자막]왕좌의 게임 100배 재밌게 보기1-타르가르옌 역사편 (by 코믹북걸19)
왕좌의 게임 - 대도서관 실황 (얼음과 불의 노래, 얼불노)