Peter, Paul & Mary (+) Somos El Barco

Peter, Paul & Mary ☆ Somos El Barco

Somos el barco, somos el mar,
Yo navego en ti, tu navegas en mi
We are the boat, we are the sea, I sail in you, you sail in me

The stream sings it to the river, the river sings it to the sea
The sea sings it to the boat that carries you and me


The boat we are sailing in was built by many hands
And the sea we are sailing on, it touches every land


So with our hopes we set the sails
And face the winds once more
And with our hearts we chart the waters never sailed before


~ PETER, PAUL & MARY ~ Somos El Barco ~
Monet with Peter Paul and Mary - Somos el barco
The Gathering -- "Somos El Barco"
(Peter, Paul & Mary) Somos El Barco @ 二千靚歌再重聚 - Peter Yarrow & ALbert Au 區瑞強Somos El Barco Peter