May_be time & space
are going to con_ti_nue
on like Ein_stein said
And may_be time tra_vel
might e_ven be po_ssi_ble
but long after
we’re dead
And may_be the sun
re_volves a_round
the earth
we don’t think it do
May_be se_ren_di_pi_ty
brought you here
to me & me to you
May_be for a second
I won’t accept that
this thing here
can’t po_ssi_bly last
May_be just may_be
I want some_thing
more from you
than to get some ass
May_be there are
things you would
put me through
May_be we should do the
things that lo_vers do
So let me love you
With all that I’ve got
Let me love you from
the top to the bot_tom
From the bot_tom
to the top
Let me hold you
touch you tease you
please you
Let me love you
May_be Ap_ril sho_wers
don’t bring may flo_wers
it’s all been a lie
May_be the sky
ain’t blue and
may_be Tiger might lose
And ba_bies don’t cry
And may_be my
weren’t real_ly
that good
And may_be e_very_one
that di_dn’t play
slow show di_dn’t
give it all they could
May_be fore_sight
is tel_ling you
that this here
thing can’t last
May_be just maybe
I want some_thing
more from you
than to get some ass
May_be there’s
some things
I might put you through
May_be we should do the
things that lo_vers do
So let me love you
With all that I’ve got
Let me love you from
the top to the bot_tom
From the bot_tom
to the top
Let me hold you
touch you tease you
and please you
Let me love you
my bro_thers
help me say that
May_be this is
hea_ven sent
May_be this could be
as good as it gets
May_be this is
e_very_thing you
need and more
May_be all that
I’ve been wai_ting for
May_be this is just the
way that it should be
I’ve got you stan_ding
right in front of me
May_be there are
things you would
put me through
But may_be your were
made for me and
I was made for you
Let me love you yes
with all that I’ve got
Let me love you
from the top
to the bot_tom
love you
with all that I’ve got
Let me love you
from the top
to the bot_tom
Let me love you
let me love you
let me love you ba_by@

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