성시경 (+) 좋을텐데 - 성시경

성시경 ☆ 좋을텐데 – 성시경

I wish to hold your hand if you just walk this way
You really get to me and all that would be nice to know you

What if I already met her story several times for today jjaeni
Another call came to him and blushes a bit, saying you
Even way back home, warm the moon looks so sad
Breaking my heart if you give me comfort

I sure would be nice to hold your hand if you just walk this way
If you knew me, I wish you and all that

Whether it is a decent man I know had never even once
And he received the gift, saying you seem unusually happy
Even way back home, warm the moon looks so sad
Breaking my heart if you give me comfort

Sometimes it would be nice to talk to people who are not offended, I like to take a
I just hope the girls are by your side

Why Do not you miss even tried We’re friendship has defended
Then I waited and now I was wondering

I wish to hold your hand if you just walk this way
I wish I had your side is
I like to take out anger, sometimes to talk to people who are not
I wish I had just by your side

I hold your hand I like to walk this road again
You me and all that (damn) you wish to know

Sung Si Kyung - 좋을텐데 it would be good (2011.10)
성시경 좋을텐데
루시드폴 리모콘 1회 성시경 좋을텐데
성시경 - 좋을텐데 [SKT TURN TABLE 2016]