(+) Les_Mis_rables_Look_Down_Hugh_Jackman_and_Russell_Crowe_

☆ Les_Mis_rables_Look_Down_Hugh_Jackman_and_Russell_Crowe_

M: Look down, look down, don’t look ‘em in the eye.

M: Look down, look down, you’re here until you die.

J: Now prisoner 24601 your time is up and your parole’s begun, you know what that means.

JV: Yes, it means I’m free.

M: No.

J: Follow to the left of your itinerary, these birds of shame will show until you die, it warns you’re a dangerous man.

JV: I stole a loaf of bread. My sister’s child was close to death, we were starving.

J: You will starve again unless you learn the meaning of the law.

JV: I know the meaning of those 19 years, a slave of the law.

J: Five years for what you did, the rest because you tried to run, yes, 24601.

JV: My name is Jean Valjean.

J: And I am Javert, do not forget my name, do not forget me 24601.

M: Look down, look down, you’ll always be a slave. Look down, look down, you’re standing in your grave.

Les Miserables - Look Down - Lyrics on Screen
Les Misérables - Clip: "Javert Releases Prisoner 24601 On Parole"
Look Down (Prisoners) - Lyrics 2012 (Please share!!!!)
Look Down by Les Miserables cast, Hugh Jackman and Russell Crowe with lyrics