Original London Cast

Original London Cast ☆ Do You Hear The People Sing?
Do you hear the people sing?Singing a song of angry men?It is the music of…

Original London Cast ☆ Do You Hear The People Sing
Do you hear the people sing?Singing a song of angry men?It is the music of…
Original London Cast ☆ The Phantom of the Opera
[CHRISTINE:] In sleep he sang to me (잠을 잘 때, 그가 나에게 노래했어.) In dreams…

Original London Cast ☆ Empty Chairs At Empty Tables
There’s a grief that can’t be spoken.There’s a pain goes on and on.Empty chairs at…

Original London Cast ☆ Wishing You Were Somehow Here Again
PrologueTHE STAGE OF THE PARIS OPERA, 1905(The contents of the opera house is beingauctioned off….

Original London Cast ☆ I Dreamed A Dream
There was a time when men were kind when their voices were soft And their…