
Mastodon (+) Blood and Thunder

Mastodon ☆ Blood and Thunder

I think that someone is trying to kill me Infecting my blood and destroying my…

Mastodon (+) Feast Your Eyes

Mastodon ☆ Feast Your Eyes

You call for reason it turns me inside out there’s no direction no ebb and…

Mastodon (+) Mastodon - Divinations

Mastodon ☆ Mastodon – Divinations

It’s gone awayIt’s gone awayIt’s gone for goodAnimal spirits come calling me homeThrough the tunnels…

Mastodon (+) Oblivion

Mastodon ☆ Oblivion

I flew beyond the sun before it was timeBurning all the gold that held me…

Mastodon (+) Seabeast

Mastodon ☆ Seabeast

The demon skin is covered in fine mistOpened his hand in my handHolding my eyes…

Mastodon (+) Colony of Birchmen

Mastodon ☆ Colony of Birchmen

This forest is growing faster than I can tell Cell structure eats away at a…

Mastodon (+) Stargasm

Mastodon ☆ Stargasm

The temple of bodiesA building with soulsGiven the cosmosAs we let goAs we let go…

Mastodon (+) High Road

Mastodon ☆ High Road

You let the wind take us downYou let the storm come and wipe us outI…