Ghost Town

Ghost Town (+) Under Wraps

Ghost Town ☆ Under Wraps

I unravel one by one. These bandages cover up who you really are. I take…

Ghost Town (+) Under Wraps - Ghost Town

Ghost Town ☆ Under Wraps – Ghost Town

I unravel one by one. These bandages cover up who you really are. I take…

Ghost Town/ (+) Off With Her Head

Ghost Town/ ☆ Off With Her Head

The landlady’s husband came up to town todaySince he left them both ten years ago…

Ghost Town (+) Ghost Town

Ghost Town ☆ Ghost Town

Thought it was dead and buried Then it woke you up last night Sought it…

Ghost Town (+) Dreamer

Ghost Town ☆ Dreamer

If I die before I shine,I hope this soul will finally find,A heart that beats…

Ghost Town (+) Acid

Ghost Town ☆ Acid

Nothing is real, I know this cause I made a deal, With the devil he…

Ghost Town (+) Ghost Town- Spark

Ghost Town ☆ Ghost Town- Spark

Destructive mannerisms take me down the rabbit hole Now watch me as I tunnel deeper…

Ghost Town (+) Dr. Doctor

Ghost Town ☆ Dr. Doctor

Take take take take my breath away, cuz I’ve got nothin else that I can…

Ghost Town (+) Skeleton (Acoustic)

Ghost Town ☆ Skeleton (Acoustic)

You shout it out but I can’t hear a word you sayTalking loud, not saying…