Eddie Redmayne

Eddie Redmayne ☆ ABC Cafe / Red And Black
The time is nearSo near it’s stirringthe blood in their veinsAnd yet bewareDon’t let the…

Aaron Tveit, Eddie Redmayne, Students, Les Miserables Cast ☆ Do You Hear The People Sing?
[Enjolras:] Do you hear the people sing? Singing a song of angry men? It is…

Eddie Redmayne, Daniel Huttlestone, Les Miserables Cast ☆ Drink With Me
Courfeyrac, you take the watch They may attack before it’s light Everybody keep the faith…

Eddie Redmayne ☆ Empty Chairs At Empty Tables
There’s a grief that can’t be spoken. There’s a pain goes on and on. Empty…

Eddie Redmayne, Les Miserables Cast, Aaron Tveit ☆ ABC Cafe / Red And Black
At Notre DameSections are preparedAt rue de BacThey’re straining at the leashStudent workers everyoneThere’s a…

Eddie Redmayne, Daniel Huttlestone & Les Misérables Cast ☆ Drink With Me
Courfeyrac, you take the watch They may attack before it’s light Everybody keep the faith…