Darlene Zschech
Darlene Zschech ☆ Everlasting
Lord, I want to know You moreFollow You with all my heart and soulLord, I…
Darlene Zschech ☆ H I give you my heart
Lord I give myself, I trust in You mighty GodMy Saviour and Your mercy and…
Darlene Zschech ☆ better than life
Better than the Riches of this worldBetter than the Sound of my friends voicesBetter than…
Darlene Zschech ☆ 11 I Am Yours
Here i stand forever in your mighty hand living with your promise written on my…
Darlene Zschech ☆ 09 My Jesus, I Love Thee
The dawning, sun risingOur great God is hereCreation is singingThe song of the free Calling…