韩国原声带 ☆ Lucky
Like the legend of the Phoenix All ends with beginnings What keeps the planets spinning…
韩国原声带 ☆ In Your Eyes
走り出せ mycar でアイアイ하시리다세 my car 데아이아이달리기시작해 my car 로아이아이 照りつける sunshine みんなワイワイ테리츠케루 sunshine 민나와이와이밝게비추는 sunshine…
Like the legend of the Phoenix All ends with beginnings What keeps the planets spinning…
走り出せ mycar でアイアイ하시리다세 my car 데아이아이달리기시작해 my car 로아이아이 照りつける sunshine みんなワイワイ테리츠케루 sunshine 민나와이와이밝게비추는 sunshine…